0904 Declaration about Priscilla

I know that everybody know
That I've loved her
Since the same moment
That I’ve discovered in her face
A extremely angelical beauty,
And when I saw in her body
Her chests like spikes.
And though I have that declare it
In front of a great multitude
I'm sure that I’ll make it
Though in the reality
I’ve tried forgetting her
Or at least don't love her soul
With so spiritual intensity
Because I’ve though within myself
That if I miss her
That will be so devastator
To my pusillanimous spirit
Then I’ll death in the same moment
That she advertise me her departure.
And all this rash attempt
Have became in my life
A stimulus to want her
With most intensity even
Because just to think
That one day I can miss her,
The only thing that occurs me
Is love her more and more
For all minute that go.
And if I can't have with me
Eternally and forever
The insanity will be my shelter
Because every step that I give
And every word that I say
Is with the only objective
To love her so much
More than I love now.

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