1226 Essay about Priscilla

If you'd see her naked skin
You'd stay stupefied
Because I go crazy by myself
Just to see her feminine face
And I let my poems without finish
When she seduces me with her sight.
Don't exist nothing that I like more
Than get out a poem from my soul
For dedicate it to her smooth skin.
I'm sure that when don't exists
I'm going to left this life
Because my wisdom is based
On remember that I have from her.
My soul would crack
If I miss her
Because I breathe just her breathing
And I'm building my life
With the smiles that she gives me
I think that is terrible
See her lips and her chests
And don't obtain right now
Because her seduction overpass
All over natural limits and borders.
Today I swear you
That if you'd see her naked body
You'd death for the impression
That produces the joy of see her
Because her skin is smooth, beautiful and natural
And her body the best molded
Of all around the universe.
At least I prefer her
And I mean without afraid
That before sleep or eat
Is better to see naked
Her body and her feminine face.

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