0826 Your image of beautiful girl

When I want remember you
I go to the ark where I have you
Photographed thousand of times
And I observe you smiling
Crying, singing and living
And is with those moments
Wherewith sustain
My soul and my mind
With the only intention
To say you among my dreams
How I love you
Because my feeling
Is only founded
On the color of your smile
And in the exquisite fragrance
Of you look of beautiful girl
For that, when I want inspiration
In wherever area of my life
I go to the ark where I have you
Sculpted thousand of times
And I touch your smile
Your sing, your cry and your life
Because is with this passages
Of your face of beautiful girl
That I have miraculously
To get out
My distorted life
That was standing in expectation
For your heart
How if I were a spike
Of fossilized crystal
That is swinging on the high
Almost to the point of crashing
If I don’t go from time to time
To the ark where I have your image
Of beautiful girl
Sewed among the flesh of my heart.

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