2301 Desolated Hiroshima

Me that almost always
I am usually
Green Santo Domingo
In the divan of the sea
In some occasions
To the rhythm of the groan
Of your chest,
I have been Babylon
With its flowers
And its hanging gardens
Perfuming my sight
I have felt Alexandria
Old passionate Rome
Wrapped up among your flames,
In other occasions
Flooded in my tears
I have felt
The mythical Atlantis
Other times
I have lived with your euphoria
Which Hollywood, Las Vegas
Covered with your lights
And flare flowers.
But today,
After retiring of my chest
Your aromatic garlands
I feel to be Hiroshima
With their heap of brashes
And their dry bones,
With their petrified shades,
I feel to be
Crumbled Jericho
Destroyed Nagasaki
Razed Pompeya.

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