5306 The splendor of your solitary cloud

I admire the splendor 
Of your solitary cloud 
On the empty summit 
Of my desolate mountain, 
In your clean gaze
You project towards me,
Your whitest white.

You know that at your side 
I am immune to unhappiness
Because you give me everything, 
Wrapped in the dreams 
Of a fairy tale.

I forget what fear is 
When your hug hugs me, 
Your love prowls around 
And your arms surround me 
Like an atoll on the high seas, 
Or like the wind that circles 
The top of the mountain.

That's why i want your wings 
To always fly free in my skies.

I admire the splendor 
Of your solitary cloud 
On the empty summit 
Of my desolate mountain, 
In your clean gaze
You project towards me,
Your whitest white

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