2713 Flower of one day

I want to illuminate
With my body which brand
The seventh sky
And you fear to the light.

Me that I want to freely fly
For the florid fields
Of the wide sea
And you fear to the delirium.

Me that I want to flourish
As if I were Aaron's stick
That in the desert it grew green
And you fear to butterflies,
To the pollen, to my leaves.

Release from you the fear
That life is one
And soon it goes away
As flower of one day
That in the morning it was fresh
And in the afternoon
It’s already dried off.

And come and gallops
In licentiousness with me
To the seventh sky,
Let us fly which dragonflies
For the florid fields
Of the wide sea,
That life goes away
As flower of one day
That in the morning it was fresh
And in the afternoon
It’s already dried off.

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