3615 There are days like birds

There are days like birds.

Some days are as jumping sparrows
On the edge of my naked window,

Others are colorful parrots
Exploding of deliriums on my bed,

There are days that are silent owls
With the absolute opacity of the gray,

There are also days that are vultures
Sleepless hoping to devour my meat,

And there are so terrible days as crows
In the fog: colds, dark, disturbing.

I remember those days
Of the genesis when you created for me
A new sky and a new earth,

That day when you exacerbated my psyche
Securing the foundations
Of my New Jerusalem...

And this way, as wandering bird
It arrived yesterday's day,
For example,
When as a mad
Fluttering from here to there
I looked for the harbor
And the refuge
Of your chest:
My nest.

Today, when my insecure sighs
Don't get the attention
Of your pearly smile
And my irrational longings
They force me to quaver
At the top of my voice
You name without achieving
That your hand rocks
The longings of my body
And these desire to emigrate.

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