When I touch your flammable body,
Your auroras unfold
In my sky.
The volcanoes of desire
That tremble in your chest
Explode into a song of tones
That dance in the air that surrounds me.
You carry thousands of landscapes inside
That make me shudder
As in the cradle of happiness.
At the touch of your flammable body,
Emerges from your chest
A song of nature expressed
In the murmur
Of your waves,
It swells like a plume
That disperses longings
In all directions.
We are secretly,
A coming and going of breaths
That fade in the wind.
When I caress your combustible skin,
We become two,
A diptych that unfolds,
A pair that intertwines,
A duo that chirps,
A couple of silent shadows,
A doublet in fleeting sighs,
A binomial of uncontained trills,
A dyad of dark figures
That advance noiselessly
Into the edge of pleasure.
When I play the drums of your body,
Oh! Love advances in stealth
Like the sun at the point of dawn.
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