5509 When you tell me you're leaving

When you tell me you're leaving, 
Your words are the blade 
Of a shining sword 
Cutting through the darkness, 
They are a linguistic sting 
That hurts deeply.

When you tell me that you are leaving, 
Your words are a sharp edge 
That truncates my hopes, 
Wounded by reality, 
They are withered seeds sown 
In the fertile soil of my heart.

When you tell me that you are leaving, 
Your words are a scorpion 
Of burning punctures 
That kill my truth, 
They are the needle of a clock 
That keeps time 
Suspended without gravity.

When you tell me that you are leaving, 
The contained reserve 
Of the seas of my illusion 
Leaves my entire body
As a huge waterfall.

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