5486 Let it be your embrace that finds me

After tasting in your plexus
The syrup of pleasure, 
I felt lost 
Like a blind minotaur that wanders, 
Wandering in a labyrinth of fleeting shadows, 
Without finding its own footprint.

I want to find myself, 
But in your arms, 
Let it be your embrace that finds me.

Your hugs create 
A gravitational field that attracts 
All wonders to my universe. 
Wrapped like a furoshiki 
I get lost in the wind 
That whispers to your stars.

I want to find myself, 
But in your arms, 
Let it be your embrace that finds me.

Under the ecstasy of your kisses, 
Thousands of stars dance 
In my trails of my pupils 
And the universe of your tenderness 
Makes my desires look up
The constellations in your navel.

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