El paisaje sonoro
Que me dejó
En el tímpano
El conjunto
De los fonemas
De tu benigna voz,
En la espiral
De mi oído,
No lo he podido
Bastó que dijeras
Un hola
Y nada más
Para que la orla
En el circuito
De tus palabras
Me taladraran
Por dentro.
Desde entonces
Me posee
La poesía.
Amar es traducir —traicionar—. Nostálgicos para siempre del paraíso antes de Babel. - Cristina Peri Rossi
3362 Tengo ostras dentro de mi
Tengo ostras dentro de mi
Que anhelo ver abiertas
De par en par
Y constelación de perlas
Bandada de luminosas estrellas
Me estremecen el interior
Por eso yo quisiera
Recostar mi cuello
En el diván del mar
Y que tú
Un día de febrero
Emerjas desde el este
Con una potencia
De más de diez mil soles
Y te expansiones
En el mediodía
De mi ser
Iluminando mi carne azul
Y provocando
Las hondas sonoras ondas
Que me hagan reverdecer
Por dentro
Y que provoques
En el acantilado de mi pecho
El mítico estruendo
Que hizo
A la Atlántida.
Que anhelo ver abiertas
De par en par
Y constelación de perlas
Bandada de luminosas estrellas
Me estremecen el interior
Por eso yo quisiera
Recostar mi cuello
En el diván del mar
Y que tú
Un día de febrero
Emerjas desde el este
Con una potencia
De más de diez mil soles
Y te expansiones
En el mediodía
De mi ser
Iluminando mi carne azul
Y provocando
Las hondas sonoras ondas
Que me hagan reverdecer
Por dentro
Y que provoques
En el acantilado de mi pecho
El mítico estruendo
Que hizo
A la Atlántida.
3361 Ĉi tiu tatuaĵo
Mi volis eternigi la trilon
Kiu eliris de mia gorĝo
Tiun vesperon sen paro
kiun ambaŭ
Manĝis Nin
Al kisoj
Al la bordo de la maro.
Por tio gravuris
En la tolo de mia brusto
Ĉi tiu tatuaĵo simila
Al la ondoj de via voĉo.
Kiu eliris de mia gorĝo
Tiun vesperon sen paro
kiun ambaŭ
Manĝis Nin
Al kisoj
Al la bordo de la maro.
Por tio gravuris
En la tolo de mia brusto
Ĉi tiu tatuaĵo simila
Al la ondoj de via voĉo.
3360 Mi volas esti kiel libera birdo kiu elmigras sur la vizaĝo de la tero
Mi volas esti
Kiel libera birdo
kiu elmigras
Sur la vizaĝo
De la tero
Kaj ne kiel arbo kiu krampas sin
En la internaĵoj
De la vivo.
Birdo flugas
Al la transmutacii
La tempoj
Aliaj klimatoj,
Arbo devas suferi
La ĉiama ciklo
De somero
Mi volas esti
Kiel libera birdo
kiu elmigras
Sur la vizaĝo
De la tero.
Kiel libera birdo
kiu elmigras
Sur la vizaĝo
De la tero
Kaj ne kiel arbo kiu krampas sin
En la internaĵoj
De la vivo.
Birdo flugas
Al la transmutacii
La tempoj
Aliaj klimatoj,
Arbo devas suferi
La ĉiama ciklo
De somero
Mi volas esti
Kiel libera birdo
kiu elmigras
Sur la vizaĝo
De la tero.
3359 Kiel la akriĝanta absinto
Tio ke miaj gusto-sentemaj punktetoj
Devas rezignacii al la forlasas
Ke vi proponu vian foreston,
Mi ne vidas lin kun bonaj okuloj.
Hieraŭ ekzemple
Kiam kiel polpo
Mi devis vori mian propran brakon
Pensante en vi,
Mi malkovris ke la malplena
Kiu ankrumis sin
En la maldekstra ventrikulo
De mia doloro
Havis maldolĉan guston
Kiel la akriĝanta absinto.
Devas rezignacii al la forlasas
Ke vi proponu vian foreston,
Mi ne vidas lin kun bonaj okuloj.
Hieraŭ ekzemple
Kiam kiel polpo
Mi devis vori mian propran brakon
Pensante en vi,
Mi malkovris ke la malplena
Kiu ankrumis sin
En la maldekstra ventrikulo
De mia doloro
Havis maldolĉan guston
Kiel la akriĝanta absinto.
3358 El día que nos conocimos
Se pudiera decir que un sueño
Nos tocó la frente
Y con las ansias cansadas
Que teníamos de anhelar
Una tierna compañía,
Nos dejamos caer.
El día que nos conocimos,
Primero fueron las miradas
Que denotaban que mil años
Ya habían pasado,
Desde el mismo instante
En que nos encontramos.
Nos tocó la frente
Y con las ansias cansadas
Que teníamos de anhelar
Una tierna compañía,
Nos dejamos caer.
El día que nos conocimos,
Primero fueron las miradas
Que denotaban que mil años
Ya habían pasado,
Desde el mismo instante
En que nos encontramos.
3357 Trístĭtĭa interruptus [Tristeza interrumpida]
Todo en mi lo indicaba
La mirada, el temblor.
Ese desasosiego
Que me nublaba las entrañas.
Fui enviando señales
Dejando rastros,
Como cósmico caracol
Recorrí la hoja húmeda
De rocío
En las mañanas.
Más temprano
Que tarde
Mi cinturón de asteroides
No pudo eludir
La atracción tan profunda
De tu gigantesco planeta.
Y cuando se dio
Entre nuestros abrazos
La colisión profetizada,
Fue como si un fósforo sideral
Por generación espontánea,
Rozadura de inflamables nebulosas,
Por tu encantamiento
Se interrumpió
La profunda tristeza
Que agobiaba mi interior.
La mirada, el temblor.
Ese desasosiego
Que me nublaba las entrañas.
Fui enviando señales
Dejando rastros,
Como cósmico caracol
Recorrí la hoja húmeda
De rocío
En las mañanas.
Más temprano
Que tarde
Mi cinturón de asteroides
No pudo eludir
La atracción tan profunda
De tu gigantesco planeta.
Y cuando se dio
Entre nuestros abrazos
La colisión profetizada,
Fue como si un fósforo sideral
Por generación espontánea,
Rozadura de inflamables nebulosas,
Por tu encantamiento
Se interrumpió
La profunda tristeza
Que agobiaba mi interior.
3356 Estoy dispuesto a sucumbir
Estoy dispuesto a sucumbir
Por causa de la radiación
De tu belleza.
Desde el circuito
De tu pecho
Te irradias por todo mi universo
Como un pulsar.
Aquella onda expansiva
De tu imagen
Cual si fuese polvo
Las murallas
De mi entendimiento.
Y hará que
Mi apreciado afecto
Se redirija
En circunvolución
Hacia tu mirar.
Pensándolo bien
Al mirarte fue
Como si se hubiese agrietado
La fuente de los delirios
Y de ella brotaran
Extáticas palomas
Mensajeras de bienestar
Y gorjeantes zorzales,
Furiosas olas y centellas
Estrellas y perfume
De azahar.
Por causa de la radiación
De tu belleza.
Desde el circuito
De tu pecho
Te irradias por todo mi universo
Como un pulsar.
Aquella onda expansiva
De tu imagen
Cual si fuese polvo
Las murallas
De mi entendimiento.
Y hará que
Mi apreciado afecto
Se redirija
En circunvolución
Hacia tu mirar.
Pensándolo bien
Al mirarte fue
Como si se hubiese agrietado
La fuente de los delirios
Y de ella brotaran
Extáticas palomas
Mensajeras de bienestar
Y gorjeantes zorzales,
Furiosas olas y centellas
Estrellas y perfume
De azahar.
3355 Bala perdida
Mi mirada
Fue una bala
Sin retorno
De salida
En la superficie
De tu ser.
Por eso cuando giraste
La cabeza
Para confirmar
Que ya mi pupila
Te había devorado,
Aún permanecían
Mis ojos azorados
Imantados a tu faz.
Fue una bala
Sin retorno
De salida
En la superficie
De tu ser.
Por eso cuando giraste
La cabeza
Para confirmar
Que ya mi pupila
Te había devorado,
Aún permanecían
Mis ojos azorados
Imantados a tu faz.
3354 Cual si fuese la mujer de Lot
¿Cómo crees que miraré
Hacia atrás cual si fuese
La mujer de Lot?
Si mis insomnes
Pupilas enardecidas
Han quedado imantadas
A tu norte.
El astrolabio
De mi vida
Ya no apunta
Más que a tu simiente.
El magnetismo
De mis brújulas
Destartalado se mueve
Al mismísimo compás
De tu vaivén.
Predigo que no seré
Profeta del pasado.
¿Cómo crees que miraré
Hacia atrás cual si fuese
La mujer de Lot?
Hacia atrás cual si fuese
La mujer de Lot?
Si mis insomnes
Pupilas enardecidas
Han quedado imantadas
A tu norte.
El astrolabio
De mi vida
Ya no apunta
Más que a tu simiente.
El magnetismo
De mis brújulas
Destartalado se mueve
Al mismísimo compás
De tu vaivén.
Predigo que no seré
Profeta del pasado.
¿Cómo crees que miraré
Hacia atrás cual si fuese
La mujer de Lot?
3353 Crisálida
Hilos de luna
Me envolvieron
Cuando se tornó
Mi corazón
Parte íntegra
De tu patrimonio
Y luego
Es decir, ahora
Como crisálida
Sideral y fantástica
Aguardo el estallido
De mis alas
Me envolvieron
Cuando se tornó
Mi corazón
Parte íntegra
De tu patrimonio
Y luego
Es decir, ahora
Como crisálida
Sideral y fantástica
Aguardo el estallido
De mis alas
3352 That when falling in my pillow I break my neck
That when falling in my pillow I break my neck
Or that entering in the fog of the dreams
I got an urgently desire to eat
Wild mushrooms
And to see if I have the fortune
Of finding
An Amanita muscaria
That makes me crush
The chest with everything and heart.
I have swum in low heat
Burning as a bonze
In the desperation.
The scent of your aura
It induced me to be
Compulsive collector
Of the image of your laugh
And I bought all and each one
Of the tickets
Of the box and the terraces
When you gave the spectacle
Of your ephemeral blaze.
Or that entering in the fog of the dreams
I got an urgently desire to eat
Wild mushrooms
And to see if I have the fortune
Of finding
An Amanita muscaria
That makes me crush
The chest with everything and heart.
I have swum in low heat
Burning as a bonze
In the desperation.
The scent of your aura
It induced me to be
Compulsive collector
Of the image of your laugh
And I bought all and each one
Of the tickets
Of the box and the terraces
When you gave the spectacle
Of your ephemeral blaze.
3351 With what kind of blades will be cut this sentimental cord
So much time
I was welcomed
In the placenta
That you created
To the dictation
Of the needs
Of your company,
That when I was
Hurried by the force
Of Uranus
To navigate
In the intestine of others
Without the covering
Of your branches
Neither the sap
Of your kisses,
I got lost.
With what kind of blades will be cut
This sentimental cord?
So that it allows me to arrive
Beyond the rake of the snow.
I want to know the spell
To liberate my arms
Of the desire of holding you.
So much time
I was welcomed
In the placenta
That you created
To the dictation
Of the needs
Of your company,
That when I was
Hurried by the force
Of Uranus
To navigate
In the intestine of others
Without the covering
Of your branches
Neither the sap
Of your kisses,
I got lost.
I was welcomed
In the placenta
That you created
To the dictation
Of the needs
Of your company,
That when I was
Hurried by the force
Of Uranus
To navigate
In the intestine of others
Without the covering
Of your branches
Neither the sap
Of your kisses,
I got lost.
With what kind of blades will be cut
This sentimental cord?
So that it allows me to arrive
Beyond the rake of the snow.
I want to know the spell
To liberate my arms
Of the desire of holding you.
So much time
I was welcomed
In the placenta
That you created
To the dictation
Of the needs
Of your company,
That when I was
Hurried by the force
Of Uranus
To navigate
In the intestine of others
Without the covering
Of your branches
Neither the sap
Of your kisses,
I got lost.
3350 Ejected by the ray of your laugh
That be ejected
By the ray of your laugh
The anguish installed
In the crown
Of the tower
Of my being
And that in the golden
Of my skin
Fall the early
And the late one
So that of the fruit
Of my chest
We could build
A new watchtower
Far exceeded
With the product
Of your lips,
With the longings
Of my begging.
By the ray of your laugh
The anguish installed
In the crown
Of the tower
Of my being
And that in the golden
Of my skin
Fall the early
And the late one
So that of the fruit
Of my chest
We could build
A new watchtower
Far exceeded
With the product
Of your lips,
With the longings
Of my begging.
3349 Cold as the infinite
Cold as the infinite
Deep as syllable Om
This way your sight of snow
Pushed me to succumb
Of my millennial impulse.
I was hostage of the desire
Slave of the illusion.
Fascinated was my tongue
For your pearly kisses
For your pupils in flower,
Without knowing that it was of ice
Your body that sweated arrogance
Your hugs that faked love.
Deep as syllable Om
This way your sight of snow
Pushed me to succumb
Of my millennial impulse.
I was hostage of the desire
Slave of the illusion.
Fascinated was my tongue
For your pearly kisses
For your pupils in flower,
Without knowing that it was of ice
Your body that sweated arrogance
Your hugs that faked love.
3348 Tree
When I touch you
I am a leafy
Projecting shades
With their branches
To the west and the east.
Expanding me I go
Until the sky
-I almost reach the zenith-
My roots deepens
The spheres of my floor
-I’m melting me with the nadir-
And I produce mature fruits
Of one of ten of hundred
They exceed me of ten thousand.
As sail of green mill,
Hand fan that the lethargy reduces,
Of my branches
The victory is crowned.
I am the sure room
Of the happiness
And their flock.
But when you touch me
I become powdered sawdust,
Dispelled my chlorophyll
Of insects became I a feast.
I am a leafy
Projecting shades
With their branches
To the west and the east.
Expanding me I go
Until the sky
-I almost reach the zenith-
My roots deepens
The spheres of my floor
-I’m melting me with the nadir-
And I produce mature fruits
Of one of ten of hundred
They exceed me of ten thousand.
As sail of green mill,
Hand fan that the lethargy reduces,
Of my branches
The victory is crowned.
I am the sure room
Of the happiness
And their flock.
But when you touch me
I become powdered sawdust,
Dispelled my chlorophyll
Of insects became I a feast.
3347 Romantic echolocation
Flower of one day,
Stunted tree
Of which it never hangs
Herb that in the morning
Was green
And that you already see
Everything happened.
It was my love
A circle in infinite
That until me
It never returned
Failing to find the echo
In the empty cavern
Of your heart.
Stunted tree
Of which it never hangs
Herb that in the morning
Was green
And that you already see
Everything happened.
It was my love
A circle in infinite
That until me
It never returned
Failing to find the echo
In the empty cavern
Of your heart.
3346 To devour the beauty of your hallucinating magic
Without cape
And without sword
I fixed in this day
Without sun
My room
My habitation
On the skirts of your Kingdom
On the heart of your anything
So that
When you shake
Your sieve
Without rhyme or reason
Among your hands
And you let the crumbs falling
My body became a flock
Of vulgar starlings
And to devour the beauty
Of your hallucinating magic.
And without sword
I fixed in this day
Without sun
My room
My habitation
On the skirts of your Kingdom
On the heart of your anything
So that
When you shake
Your sieve
Without rhyme or reason
Among your hands
And you let the crumbs falling
My body became a flock
Of vulgar starlings
And to devour the beauty
Of your hallucinating magic.
3345 The emergence
I wanted to be possessed
For the emergence
Of the iceberg
That makes appear
Their contained power
And crack
Without measures
Every tie.
To have the force
Of Pluto that deepens
Until the same abyss
And goes back
Until the summit.
To attract you to my side
Which if you were
Nocturnal moth
Around the light.
But I am not able to,
My pusillanimous spirit
Have exhausted my senses
From the day that I saw
Your back crossing the threshold
Of my door.
I wish for a diadem
That unceasingly illuminates
My thoughts
And a necklace in my throat
That adorns
The words
Of my repertoire
And that in a way
Or another
It can invoke you
To summon you
That you come to my aid
And save me from ruin.
For the emergence
Of the iceberg
That makes appear
Their contained power
And crack
Without measures
Every tie.
To have the force
Of Pluto that deepens
Until the same abyss
And goes back
Until the summit.
To attract you to my side
Which if you were
Nocturnal moth
Around the light.
But I am not able to,
My pusillanimous spirit
Have exhausted my senses
From the day that I saw
Your back crossing the threshold
Of my door.
I wish for a diadem
That unceasingly illuminates
My thoughts
And a necklace in my throat
That adorns
The words
Of my repertoire
And that in a way
Or another
It can invoke you
To summon you
That you come to my aid
And save me from ruin.
3344 Aged wing´s tree
Aged wing’s tree
That you fall with the crimson glow
Leaf that falls conquered
Removed without pain
Come and cover me with your weight
And putrefy in my reason
That I go mad already without laugh
I am vulnerable shipwreck
That wanders without heart,
It has been taken
By whom I love
And didn't love me more.
That you fall with the crimson glow
Leaf that falls conquered
Removed without pain
Come and cover me with your weight
And putrefy in my reason
That I go mad already without laugh
I am vulnerable shipwreck
That wanders without heart,
It has been taken
By whom I love
And didn't love me more.
3343 The landscape of my emotion
The gray clouds
Go parading
One by one
For the bay.
On the back the mountains
A wall
They seem to simulate.
A boat weighs anchor solitary
With the effort
Of a titan,
It goes into
Opposing to the waves
And that image
Just makes stir
Each one of my foundations
Because I remember
That you are not with me.
It is your heart
The one that has left
Leaving the hole
In the port
Of my illusion
And is becoming gray
And haggard
The landscape
Of my emotion.
The gray clouds
Go parading
One by one
For the bay.
On the back the mountains
A wall
They seem to simulate.
A boat weighs anchor solitary
With the effort
Of a titan,
It goes into
Opposing to the waves
And that image
Just makes stir
Each one of my foundations
Because I remember
That you are not with me.
It is your heart
The one that has left
Leaving the hole
In the port
Of my illusion
And is becoming gray
And haggard
The landscape
Of my emotion.
3342 Biting its own tail
My days go
Biting its own tail
Time after time
Without you,
Out from
My country and
From my family.
This week
For example
It was an unproductive
Useless mill of wind,
Sterile petal
Without fondness
Fallow wildest piece of land
Without the deep laugh
Of your flower.
I live days
Of dream
And anxiety.
And you rotating
Around to
Another star.
I should face up to it:
In this my trunk
There aren’t pearls,
I live a colorless
And it possesses me
A faded sea
That it doesn't glow
Neither with Methylene blue.
Biting its own tail
Time after time
Without you,
Out from
My country and
From my family.
This week
For example
It was an unproductive
Useless mill of wind,
Sterile petal
Without fondness
Fallow wildest piece of land
Without the deep laugh
Of your flower.
I live days
Of dream
And anxiety.
And you rotating
Around to
Another star.
I should face up to it:
In this my trunk
There aren’t pearls,
I live a colorless
And it possesses me
A faded sea
That it doesn't glow
Neither with Methylene blue.
3341 I have a sun in my chest and I foresee a supernova
I have a sun in my chest
And I foresee
A supernova.
I live a stellar explosion
At first sight
In my being's orb
Almost breaking into fragments
My aura.
In this bare
Piece of land
Where never before
Have been
Detected anything
Today it is transfigured
The perpetual
Of illusion.
Which it will be
The temporary line
That will last
This phosphorescence
In the waters
Of my sea?
Vortex’s vertex
Accelerated increase
Of the intensity
For the one which
I wait
The massive coalition
Of the volatile nucleus
Of my heart.
I have a sun in my chest
And I foresee
A supernova.
And I foresee
A supernova.
I live a stellar explosion
At first sight
In my being's orb
Almost breaking into fragments
My aura.
In this bare
Piece of land
Where never before
Have been
Detected anything
Today it is transfigured
The perpetual
Of illusion.
Which it will be
The temporary line
That will last
This phosphorescence
In the waters
Of my sea?
Vortex’s vertex
Accelerated increase
Of the intensity
For the one which
I wait
The massive coalition
Of the volatile nucleus
Of my heart.
I have a sun in my chest
And I foresee
A supernova.
3340 The tidal bore of your body
Every time
That the tidal bore
Of your body
Arrives until my sea,
It urges the metamorphosis
To my being.
I am clay tablet
In presence
Of your lips.
As cuneiform
My chest
Is going to accommodate
To your universe.
Every morning
I wrap
Your hardships
In the deep
Of my soul
To return them to you
As shining
And I know
That in the posterity
When be find
This prodigious one
Mimes' collection,
Cuneiform library,
This trunk of pearls,
Will be know that the tidal bore
Of your kisses
It shaped me a sea
To the pattern
Of your body.
That the tidal bore
Of your body
Arrives until my sea,
It urges the metamorphosis
To my being.
I am clay tablet
In presence
Of your lips.
As cuneiform
My chest
Is going to accommodate
To your universe.
Every morning
I wrap
Your hardships
In the deep
Of my soul
To return them to you
As shining
And I know
That in the posterity
When be find
This prodigious one
Mimes' collection,
Cuneiform library,
This trunk of pearls,
Will be know that the tidal bore
Of your kisses
It shaped me a sea
To the pattern
Of your body.
3339 On the edge of the cliff of my bed
When you arrive home
And you sit down to the border
Of the cliff
Of my bed
Inviting me
To contemplate
Your catalog of panoramas:
You transport me from the emptiness with your hallucinating anti-homesickness
Until the sheer summit of the grace
You make me travel the gradient of the pleasure and the magic
When you set the begin of the mechanism of the trill
In my throat.
And you sit down to the border
Of the cliff
Of my bed
Inviting me
To contemplate
Your catalog of panoramas:
You transport me from the emptiness with your hallucinating anti-homesickness
Until the sheer summit of the grace
You make me travel the gradient of the pleasure and the magic
When you set the begin of the mechanism of the trill
In my throat.
3338 I felt a suddenly desire of allowing me to die
It has overcome me
A suddenly
Of allowing me to die
By asphyxia
For exhalation,
Because each puff
Of air that
I try,
According to the method
Of trial and error,
It leaves me being delirious
More and more
Because of the appearance
Of your being.
My will
Of iron,
It was bent
When you magnetized
The wound
Of your illusion
In my chest.
After there
The right thing
Hasn’t been
In my road
Neither in the course
Of my destination
Hasn’t been the peace.
A suddenly
Of allowing me to die
By asphyxia
For exhalation,
Because each puff
Of air that
I try,
According to the method
Of trial and error,
It leaves me being delirious
More and more
Because of the appearance
Of your being.
My will
Of iron,
It was bent
When you magnetized
The wound
Of your illusion
In my chest.
After there
The right thing
Hasn’t been
In my road
Neither in the course
Of my destination
Hasn’t been the peace.
3337 I lived that flower in its opulence
I lived that flower
In its opulence,
When the explosion
Of color
It navigated
For my darkened
And filling
Of their aroma
My dirty
It was as feeling
To the four sides
Of my soul.
Obese of delights.
I shuddered
That it tears me
The memory
Of its iridescence,
In the pillars
Of my memory
I feel the fluttering
Of its delicate
Wide open.
The memory
Of its corolla
Has been
In a delicate and fine
Work in progress.
In its opulence,
When the explosion
Of color
It navigated
For my darkened
And filling
Of their aroma
My dirty
It was as feeling
To the four sides
Of my soul.
Obese of delights.
I shuddered
That it tears me
The memory
Of its iridescence,
In the pillars
Of my memory
I feel the fluttering
Of its delicate
Wide open.
The memory
Of its corolla
Has been
In a delicate and fine
Work in progress.
3336 To allow me to fly
I have an alchemist
To my being:
To transmute
This herd
Of hyenas
In starving
In luminous
Of fireflies
Of light,
And nothing else:
To allow me to fly.
To my being:
To transmute
This herd
Of hyenas
In starving
In luminous
Of fireflies
Of light,
And nothing else:
To allow me to fly.
3335 Lichen
This is my desire:
That being alga,
To melt when you
Be fungus
And that metamorphosed
In lichen
We could live
The one for the each other
And the each other for the each of us
The each of us for another
Or the another one for the other
Because already
It will have lost the sense
The Me and the You.
That being alga,
To melt when you
Be fungus
And that metamorphosed
In lichen
We could live
The one for the each other
And the each other for the each of us
The each of us for another
Or the another one for the other
Because already
It will have lost the sense
The Me and the You.
3334 As a fireball for Tunguska
Who will impede
That my tears sweep
The layer of humus
That surrounds the empty
Planet of my heart?
If when you crossed,
As a fireball
Through Tunguska,
The thinnest films
Of my chest,
You didn’t left
Any foundation
Neither pillar
Neither fountain.
Without columns neither walls
I showed up as a present
In front of the manifestation
Of the ideal
That you represented
When the present
It was yesterday.
In my chest it has broken
The pitcher
Container of the waters
And they are my eyes
The sluices for where it sprouts
All my illusion
And their magic
The layer of humus
That it covers the empty
Planet of my heart.
That my tears sweep
The layer of humus
That surrounds the empty
Planet of my heart?
If when you crossed,
As a fireball
Through Tunguska,
The thinnest films
Of my chest,
You didn’t left
Any foundation
Neither pillar
Neither fountain.
Without columns neither walls
I showed up as a present
In front of the manifestation
Of the ideal
That you represented
When the present
It was yesterday.
In my chest it has broken
The pitcher
Container of the waters
And they are my eyes
The sluices for where it sprouts
All my illusion
And their magic
The layer of humus
That it covers the empty
Planet of my heart.
3333 Try to find me pearls
Try to find me pearls.
That already a while ago
I am full with the dew
Of your body.
Try to find me pearls,
Under the armor.
Come on!
Look for them!
Explore me!
That for you I am iridescent
A hairspring of Nautilus.
Come closer!,
Try to find me pearls
That with you
I feel that I am
The selfsame one
Sea of Persia.
That already a while ago
I am full with the dew
Of your body.
Try to find me pearls,
Under the armor.
Come on!
Look for them!
Explore me!
That for you I am iridescent
A hairspring of Nautilus.
Come closer!,
Try to find me pearls
That with you
I feel that I am
The selfsame one
Sea of Persia.
3332 To facilitate you the entrance
Your sights
Are a pelagic bird
That lodges
As balm in my chest,
Eyewash among my eyes,
Oxygen to my lung.
Is time to confronting it.
When you shoot
From your powerful catapult
That whole arsenal of kisses,
Mimes and caresses,
What I will do won't have
Nothing to do with
To beat the retreat.
I am fed up
With the siege
That you have undergone
During so many dawns.
I will not only demolish
By myself my walls
But rather I will smooth the way
Each mount, each hill
To facilitate you the entrance.
Are a pelagic bird
That lodges
As balm in my chest,
Eyewash among my eyes,
Oxygen to my lung.
Is time to confronting it.
When you shoot
From your powerful catapult
That whole arsenal of kisses,
Mimes and caresses,
What I will do won't have
Nothing to do with
To beat the retreat.
I am fed up
With the siege
That you have undergone
During so many dawns.
I will not only demolish
By myself my walls
But rather I will smooth the way
Each mount, each hill
To facilitate you the entrance.
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