La fuerza gravitatoria
De tus ojos color café,
Me hizo salir de mi inercia.
Y fue al momento de verte
Cuando empezó mi vida a girar
En torno a ti,
Como si fuese mi ser un tiovivo
Que gira en torno a su eje.
Porque tus ojos influyeron
En mi vida,
Como si fuesen dos soles
Que influyen en la floresta
Que tengo plantada en mi cuerpo.
Porque el brillo de tus ojos
Fue el que hizo que mi motor
Echara a andar,
Y desde entonces mi vida
Empezó a desenvolverse
Con el ingrediente de tu luz.
Porque la fuerza gravitatoria
De tus ojos color café,
Me hizo salir de mi inercia
Y fue al momento de verte
Cuando empezó mi vida a penar
Con la única intención
De estar ante tus ojos,
Que son exactamente
Como lámpara a mis pies
Y lumbrera a mi camino.
Amar es traducir —traicionar—. Nostálgicos para siempre del paraíso antes de Babel. - Cristina Peri Rossi
1244 L'unica faccia del paradiso
Nel corriere del tempo
Che sono stato accanto a te
Ho potuto imparare
Come è
L'unica faccia del paradiso
Perché dietro alla tua bella occhiata
Si può scoprire
La più importante e dolce
Di tutte le sensazioni
Che ho provato, odorato
Guardato, ascoltato e sentito
Perché le tue delicate maniere
Mi hanno fatto sognare
Solo con vedere i tuoi occhi
E odorare il tuo corpo
Che era come una rosa forte
Mossa dal vento
Della mia esagerata passione.
Che sono stato accanto a te
Ho potuto imparare
Come è
L'unica faccia del paradiso
Perché dietro alla tua bella occhiata
Si può scoprire
La più importante e dolce
Di tutte le sensazioni
Che ho provato, odorato
Guardato, ascoltato e sentito
Perché le tue delicate maniere
Mi hanno fatto sognare
Solo con vedere i tuoi occhi
E odorare il tuo corpo
Che era come una rosa forte
Mossa dal vento
Della mia esagerata passione.
1243 A única face do paraíso
Ao longo do tempo
Que eu estive ao lado de você
Eu pude apreciar
Como é
A única face do paraíso
Porque atrás de seu belo olhar
Pode-se descobrir
O mais importante e doce
De todas as sensações
Que eu tenho provado, cheirado
Olhado, ouvido e sentido
Porque seus modos delicados
Fizeram-me sonhar
Só com ver seus olhos
E cheirar seu corpo
Que era como uma rosa forte
Movida pelo vento
Da minha exagerada paixão.
Que eu estive ao lado de você
Eu pude apreciar
Como é
A única face do paraíso
Porque atrás de seu belo olhar
Pode-se descobrir
O mais importante e doce
De todas as sensações
Que eu tenho provado, cheirado
Olhado, ouvido e sentido
Porque seus modos delicados
Fizeram-me sonhar
Só com ver seus olhos
E cheirar seu corpo
Que era como uma rosa forte
Movida pelo vento
Da minha exagerada paixão.
1242 La única cara del paraíso
A lo largo del tiempo
Que yo estuve junto a ti
Yo pude apreciar
Como es
La única cara del paraíso
Porque detrás de tu hermosa mirada
Se puede descubrir
La más importante y dulce
De todas las sensaciones
Que yo he probado, olido
Mirado, escuchado y sentido
Porque tus melindrosas formas
Me hicieron delirar
Solo con ver tus ojos
Y oler tu cuerpo
Que era como una rosa fuerte
Movida por el viento
De mi exagerada pasión.
Que yo estuve junto a ti
Yo pude apreciar
Como es
La única cara del paraíso
Porque detrás de tu hermosa mirada
Se puede descubrir
La más importante y dulce
De todas las sensaciones
Que yo he probado, olido
Mirado, escuchado y sentido
Porque tus melindrosas formas
Me hicieron delirar
Solo con ver tus ojos
Y oler tu cuerpo
Que era como una rosa fuerte
Movida por el viento
De mi exagerada pasión.
1241 The only one face of paradise
Along the time
That I was beside you
I have learned
How is
The only one face of paradise
Because behind your beautiful sight
It cans to discover
The most important and sweet
Of all the sensations
That I have tasted, smelled
Looked, heard and feel
Because your delicate ways
Make me dream off
Only with see your eyes
And smells your body
That was like a strong rose
Moved by the wind
Of my exaggerated passion.
That I was beside you
I have learned
How is
The only one face of paradise
Because behind your beautiful sight
It cans to discover
The most important and sweet
Of all the sensations
That I have tasted, smelled
Looked, heard and feel
Because your delicate ways
Make me dream off
Only with see your eyes
And smells your body
That was like a strong rose
Moved by the wind
Of my exaggerated passion.
1240 El lastre que debía tirar
Até una piedra de molino
Al cuello del motor
Que servía de impulso a mi vida
Y lo lancé por la borda
Como si fuese el lastre
Que estorbaba mi navegación
Pensando que con tus brazos
Como mástiles
Y con tus cabellos
Como velas de tela fuerte
Podría mi pobre embarcación
Adentrarse en los mares
De la más escandalosa pasión
Y me aventuré sin más ni más
A salir al mar de los sueños
Y estando una vez
Lejos de la costa
Me di cuenta que tú eras
El lastre que debía tirar
Por fuera de mi borda
Entonces fue cuando empecé
A desesperarme
Porque tus brazos y cabellos
No servían a mi barca
Y yo que sin saber
Até una piedra de molino
Al cuello del motor
Que servía de impulso a mi vida
Y lo lancé por la borda
Como si fuese el lastre
Que estorbaba mi navegación.
Al cuello del motor
Que servía de impulso a mi vida
Y lo lancé por la borda
Como si fuese el lastre
Que estorbaba mi navegación
Pensando que con tus brazos
Como mástiles
Y con tus cabellos
Como velas de tela fuerte
Podría mi pobre embarcación
Adentrarse en los mares
De la más escandalosa pasión
Y me aventuré sin más ni más
A salir al mar de los sueños
Y estando una vez
Lejos de la costa
Me di cuenta que tú eras
El lastre que debía tirar
Por fuera de mi borda
Entonces fue cuando empecé
A desesperarme
Porque tus brazos y cabellos
No servían a mi barca
Y yo que sin saber
Até una piedra de molino
Al cuello del motor
Que servía de impulso a mi vida
Y lo lancé por la borda
Como si fuese el lastre
Que estorbaba mi navegación.
1239 Incendiada por tu risa de emperatriz
Yo tengo en mi interior
Desatada una gula
Por tu cuerpo
Que pensé que era tan trivial
Que podría ser apagada
Por el viento de los años
Pero al pasar el tiempo
He visto con sorpresa
Cómo la Roma de mi pasión
Arde incendiada
Por tu risa de emperatriz
Y la sensación que me provoca
Es tan desesperante
Que por eso ando persiguiendo
Tu mirada
Tu respiro
Tus pisadas
Y tu suspiro
Como si fueses la victima
Que totalmente indefensa
Tiene que rendirse ante el hambre
Que tengo de ti
Como si yo fuese una hiena
Que espera por su presa
Con la cual yo alimentaría
La gula desordenada
Que tengo de tu ser
Y que pensé que era
Tan trivial y sencilla
Que sería aniquilada
Por el viento de los años
Pero al pasar el tiempo
He visto con sorpresa
Cómo la Roma de mi pasión
Arde incendiada
Por tu risa de emperatriz.
Desatada una gula
Por tu cuerpo
Que pensé que era tan trivial
Que podría ser apagada
Por el viento de los años
Pero al pasar el tiempo
He visto con sorpresa
Cómo la Roma de mi pasión
Arde incendiada
Por tu risa de emperatriz
Y la sensación que me provoca
Es tan desesperante
Que por eso ando persiguiendo
Tu mirada
Tu respiro
Tus pisadas
Y tu suspiro
Como si fueses la victima
Que totalmente indefensa
Tiene que rendirse ante el hambre
Que tengo de ti
Como si yo fuese una hiena
Que espera por su presa
Con la cual yo alimentaría
La gula desordenada
Que tengo de tu ser
Y que pensé que era
Tan trivial y sencilla
Que sería aniquilada
Por el viento de los años
Pero al pasar el tiempo
He visto con sorpresa
Cómo la Roma de mi pasión
Arde incendiada
Por tu risa de emperatriz.
1238 Masajea mis pupilas cansadas
Masajea mis pupilas cansadas
Con tu sonrisa de ángel de luz
Y permíteme acariciar tu cuerpo
Solo con mi mirada.
Porque el deleite de mis ojos
Eres tú,
Y sin tu presencia,
Lo que los demás llaman vida,
En mi persona
No es más que un harapo
Que ondea en las alturas
Mostrando mi pena,
Bamboleando en los aires
Algo que es vergonzoso para mí.
Porque sin ti,
El fundamento de mi existir
No tiene razón de ser.
Si supieras cuánto me gustaría
Caer de bruces
En el círculo vicioso
De tenerte-amarte-poseerte,
Para entonces hacer de mi vida
El más sólido estandarte
Y poder entonces así
Mostrar al mundo,
Lo reconfortante que es
Sentir el masaje visual
Que produce tu cuerpo
En mis cansadas pupilas.
Con tu sonrisa de ángel de luz
Y permíteme acariciar tu cuerpo
Solo con mi mirada.
Porque el deleite de mis ojos
Eres tú,
Y sin tu presencia,
Lo que los demás llaman vida,
En mi persona
No es más que un harapo
Que ondea en las alturas
Mostrando mi pena,
Bamboleando en los aires
Algo que es vergonzoso para mí.
Porque sin ti,
El fundamento de mi existir
No tiene razón de ser.
Si supieras cuánto me gustaría
Caer de bruces
En el círculo vicioso
De tenerte-amarte-poseerte,
Para entonces hacer de mi vida
El más sólido estandarte
Y poder entonces así
Mostrar al mundo,
Lo reconfortante que es
Sentir el masaje visual
Que produce tu cuerpo
En mis cansadas pupilas.
1237 Este cosquilleo que yo tengo en mi corazón
Si la existencia de Dios
Fuese irreal
Cuánta tristeza habría
En la faz del mundo
Cómo yo podría explicar
La exagerada belleza
De una rosa roja
Cómo yo podría explicar
La magnificencia de una estrella
Tintineando en las alturas
De los cielos
Si la existencia de Dios
Fuese irreal
Para mí, la vida terrenal
No tendría ninguna importancia
Porque yo se
Que tú eres tan real
Como la hermosa rosa roja
Que yo tengo en mi jardín
Y como la pequeñita estrella
Que está tintineando en el cielo
Si la existencia de Dios
Fuese irreal
Yo no estaría sintiendo
La paz que el me da
En cada tiempo que le adoro
Porque yo se que mereces
El poder, la gloria, la majestad
De todas las rosas rojas
Y de todas las estrellas
Que hay en este universo
Porque tú eres tan real
Como este cosquilleo
Que yo tengo en mi corazón.
Fuese irreal
Cuánta tristeza habría
En la faz del mundo
Cómo yo podría explicar
La exagerada belleza
De una rosa roja
Cómo yo podría explicar
La magnificencia de una estrella
Tintineando en las alturas
De los cielos
Si la existencia de Dios
Fuese irreal
Para mí, la vida terrenal
No tendría ninguna importancia
Porque yo se
Que tú eres tan real
Como la hermosa rosa roja
Que yo tengo en mi jardín
Y como la pequeñita estrella
Que está tintineando en el cielo
Si la existencia de Dios
Fuese irreal
Yo no estaría sintiendo
La paz que el me da
En cada tiempo que le adoro
Porque yo se que mereces
El poder, la gloria, la majestad
De todas las rosas rojas
Y de todas las estrellas
Que hay en este universo
Porque tú eres tan real
Como este cosquilleo
Que yo tengo en mi corazón.
1236 Este barulho que eu tenho no meu coração
Se a existência de Deus
Fosse irreal
Quanta tristeza haveria
No mundo inteiro
Como eu explicaria
A beleza exagerada
De uma rosa vermelha
Como eu explicaria
A magnificência de uma estrela
Cintilando no mais alto
Dos céus
Se a existência de Deus
Fosse irreal
Para mim a vida aqui
Não teria nenhuma importância
Porque eu sei
Que você é real
Como a bonita rosa vermelha
Que eu tenho em meu jardim
Ou como a pequena estrela
Que está cintilando nos céus
Se a existência de Deus
Fosse irreal
Eu não sentiria a paz
Que ele dá para mim
Em qualquer momento que eu o adoro
Porque eu sei que você merece
O poder, a glória, a majestade,
De todas as rosas vermelhas
E todas as estrelas
Que estão neste universo
Porque você é tão real
Como este barulho
Que eu tenho no meu coração.
Fosse irreal
Quanta tristeza haveria
No mundo inteiro
Como eu explicaria
A beleza exagerada
De uma rosa vermelha
Como eu explicaria
A magnificência de uma estrela
Cintilando no mais alto
Dos céus
Se a existência de Deus
Fosse irreal
Para mim a vida aqui
Não teria nenhuma importância
Porque eu sei
Que você é real
Como a bonita rosa vermelha
Que eu tenho em meu jardim
Ou como a pequena estrela
Que está cintilando nos céus
Se a existência de Deus
Fosse irreal
Eu não sentiria a paz
Que ele dá para mim
Em qualquer momento que eu o adoro
Porque eu sei que você merece
O poder, a glória, a majestade,
De todas as rosas vermelhas
E todas as estrelas
Que estão neste universo
Porque você é tão real
Como este barulho
Que eu tenho no meu coração.
1235 Questo rumore che io ho sul mio cuore
Se l'esistenza di Dio
Non fosse reale
Quanta tristezza avrebbe
Nella face del mondo
Come spiegherei
La bellezza esagerata
Di una rosa rossa
Come spiegherei
La magnificenza di una stella
Brillando sul più alto
Dei cieli
Se l'esistenza di Dio
Non fosse reale
Per me la vita qui
Non avrebbe nessuna importanza
Perché io so
Che tu sei vero
Come la bella rosa rossa
Che ho nel mio giardino
O come la piccola stella
Quello sta brillando nei cieli
Se l'esistenza di Dio
Non fosse reale
Io non sentirebbe la pace
Che lui mi dà
In qualsiasi momento che l'adoro
Perché so che tu merita
Il potere, la gloria, la maestà
Di tutte le rose rosse
E tutte le stelle
Che esistono in questo universo
Perché tu sei così vero
Come questo rumore
Che io ho nel mio cuore.
Non fosse reale
Quanta tristezza avrebbe
Nella face del mondo
Come spiegherei
La bellezza esagerata
Di una rosa rossa
Come spiegherei
La magnificenza di una stella
Brillando sul più alto
Dei cieli
Se l'esistenza di Dio
Non fosse reale
Per me la vita qui
Non avrebbe nessuna importanza
Perché io so
Che tu sei vero
Come la bella rosa rossa
Che ho nel mio giardino
O come la piccola stella
Quello sta brillando nei cieli
Se l'esistenza di Dio
Non fosse reale
Io non sentirebbe la pace
Che lui mi dà
In qualsiasi momento che l'adoro
Perché so che tu merita
Il potere, la gloria, la maestà
Di tutte le rose rosse
E tutte le stelle
Che esistono in questo universo
Perché tu sei così vero
Come questo rumore
Che io ho nel mio cuore.
1234 This tickling sensation that I have on my heart
If the existence of God
Were unreal
How much sadness there were
All over the world
How I would explain
The exaggerated beauty
Of a red rose
How I would explain
The magnificent of a star
Twinkling on the most high
Of heavens
If the existence of God
Were unreal
For me the life here
Wouldn’t have any importance
Because I know
That you are real
Like the beautiful red rose
That I have in my garden
Or like the little star
That is twinkling on heavens
If the existence of God
Were unreal
I wouldn’t feel the peace
That he gives to me
In any moment that I worship him
Because I know that you deserve
The power, the glory, the majesty
Of all the red roses
And all the stars
That are in this universe
Because you are so real
Like this tickling sensation
That I have on my heart.
Were unreal
How much sadness there were
All over the world
How I would explain
The exaggerated beauty
Of a red rose
How I would explain
The magnificent of a star
Twinkling on the most high
Of heavens
If the existence of God
Were unreal
For me the life here
Wouldn’t have any importance
Because I know
That you are real
Like the beautiful red rose
That I have in my garden
Or like the little star
That is twinkling on heavens
If the existence of God
Were unreal
I wouldn’t feel the peace
That he gives to me
In any moment that I worship him
Because I know that you deserve
The power, the glory, the majesty
Of all the red roses
And all the stars
That are in this universe
Because you are so real
Like this tickling sensation
That I have on my heart.
1233 Narration about Priscilla
Oh my great imagination
That allows me go over her
As she were a country!
And after see finished
My long and pleasured journey,
I must say that is beautiful.
I escape for her finger's feet
And climbed for her female's legs
Until arrive to her sensual hips
And walked so absent-minded
In beauty that observed
That don't perceived my fall into her navel,
After lift me drunk up
I continued my walk
Until arrive to perfection
Of her woman’s chests
And I gone up to pleasure’s top
Testing the extract of my trip
Rolled down her shoulders
Until touch smoothly her neck
And was so that I excited my body
Over her silhouette
That imagination obligated me
To narrate with points and commas
Her precise and exact proportion.
Moreover of all narrated
I got arriving to her red lips
And drank of life's water.
I walked over her cheek
And I dip my body into her eyes
And lost my conscience in her deep.
I remained almost dead for pleasure
And only with the sufficient breathe
For at end narrate in my diary
That in her body is settled
Twice the paradise.
That allows me go over her
As she were a country!
And after see finished
My long and pleasured journey,
I must say that is beautiful.
I escape for her finger's feet
And climbed for her female's legs
Until arrive to her sensual hips
And walked so absent-minded
In beauty that observed
That don't perceived my fall into her navel,
After lift me drunk up
I continued my walk
Until arrive to perfection
Of her woman’s chests
And I gone up to pleasure’s top
Testing the extract of my trip
Rolled down her shoulders
Until touch smoothly her neck
And was so that I excited my body
Over her silhouette
That imagination obligated me
To narrate with points and commas
Her precise and exact proportion.
Moreover of all narrated
I got arriving to her red lips
And drank of life's water.
I walked over her cheek
And I dip my body into her eyes
And lost my conscience in her deep.
I remained almost dead for pleasure
And only with the sufficient breathe
For at end narrate in my diary
That in her body is settled
Twice the paradise.
1232 Reasoning about Priscilla
For most that I've thought
Almost to exaggerated self point
To rack my brain
I haven't obtain the answer
Why with the only fact
To think in her name
My weak composition
Alter uncontrollably
Almost to extreme of shame.
I've tried to find out
Why just with feel
Her eyes in front of me,
The skin blush me,
And my eyes excite
If I watch slowly
Her lips or her chests.
Why I get very nervous
When I'm beside her
And I shake like a possessed.
Why my voice crash
When I talk close to her.
And why I well breathe
When I think in her body
And even never arrive to discover
Why succeed me that succeed me,
The fact is that I'll try to be
Beside her
Even so have that loose
My own soul reasoning
Why succeed me that succeed me
When I'm along with her.
Almost to exaggerated self point
To rack my brain
I haven't obtain the answer
Why with the only fact
To think in her name
My weak composition
Alter uncontrollably
Almost to extreme of shame.
I've tried to find out
Why just with feel
Her eyes in front of me,
The skin blush me,
And my eyes excite
If I watch slowly
Her lips or her chests.
Why I get very nervous
When I'm beside her
And I shake like a possessed.
Why my voice crash
When I talk close to her.
And why I well breathe
When I think in her body
And even never arrive to discover
Why succeed me that succeed me,
The fact is that I'll try to be
Beside her
Even so have that loose
My own soul reasoning
Why succeed me that succeed me
When I'm along with her.
1231 Confession about Priscilla
In this moments
For me is impossible deny it
Because my love for her
Has growth imposingly.
Her personality arrived to my interior
Like a lightning’s flash
And lighted in just an instant
All suburb of my soul.
In front of the over natural magnetism
Of her eyes color café
I'm able to burn like tow,
And a cool and abandoned steppe
Would be warm and scared
If stay beside my spirit
Her innocent child’s mouth
Sometimes I've tried to ignore
My passion's extremism
But I feel that my heart
Palpitate accelerated
Saturating all my body
Of sweetness that have
Her feminine and whispered voice.
For this reason I can't
Ignore her sublime presence
When she take a walk front my sight
With her exaggerated beauty
And her spirit’s integrity
Able to make insane
The same Lucifer in person.
For me is impossible deny it
Because my love for her
Has growth imposingly.
Her personality arrived to my interior
Like a lightning’s flash
And lighted in just an instant
All suburb of my soul.
In front of the over natural magnetism
Of her eyes color café
I'm able to burn like tow,
And a cool and abandoned steppe
Would be warm and scared
If stay beside my spirit
Her innocent child’s mouth
Sometimes I've tried to ignore
My passion's extremism
But I feel that my heart
Palpitate accelerated
Saturating all my body
Of sweetness that have
Her feminine and whispered voice.
For this reason I can't
Ignore her sublime presence
When she take a walk front my sight
With her exaggerated beauty
And her spirit’s integrity
Able to make insane
The same Lucifer in person.
1230 Description about Priscilla
When I get to close my eyes
The first that appear is her image
Because tied my heart of jubilee
And because she knew how fill me of love
And I swear that I would paint
All her interior and physical body
Without mistake.
Because she has arrived so deep
Within my solitary and rickety soul
That I believe has overpass
The limits of my border's feeling
Is pure and sublime at the same time,
Moreover radiant and full of beauty
And has reached penetrate me so
How only she's able to does it.
My love to her is unlimited,
For this when I close my eyes
She draws herself in my heart
And I'm able to realize her
Because she has turned perfect.
In my limited and clumsy memory
If I can fill out of my mind
By means of a description
For so have her beside me
And that be part integral and material
Of my conceited understanding.
If I would have the great inspiration
For slow describe her
I would do it with poems or linen
Or maybe with carved sculpture
For represent the sublime beauty
Of a soul attractive without equal.
The first that appear is her image
Because tied my heart of jubilee
And because she knew how fill me of love
And I swear that I would paint
All her interior and physical body
Without mistake.
Because she has arrived so deep
Within my solitary and rickety soul
That I believe has overpass
The limits of my border's feeling
Is pure and sublime at the same time,
Moreover radiant and full of beauty
And has reached penetrate me so
How only she's able to does it.
My love to her is unlimited,
For this when I close my eyes
She draws herself in my heart
And I'm able to realize her
Because she has turned perfect.
In my limited and clumsy memory
If I can fill out of my mind
By means of a description
For so have her beside me
And that be part integral and material
Of my conceited understanding.
If I would have the great inspiration
For slow describe her
I would do it with poems or linen
Or maybe with carved sculpture
For represent the sublime beauty
Of a soul attractive without equal.
1229 Exposition about Priscilla
She, Ladies and Gentlemen
Is the most beautiful girl
All around the universe.
I guarantee you with my true
That if I were able to squeeze my life
And at time as well to extract
The substance of my love,
I don't hesitate any moment
That I would do with heroism
In a desperate fact
To have forever with me
Her spirit's beauty
And her physical nobility
Along with the attractive
Of her woman's manners
Because she, Ladies and Gentlemen
Circumscribe among her body
The singular excellence
Of one face so beautiful
That just so sensual lips
How are hers
Would be the presentation
Of one angelically formed soul
Because she, Ladies and Gentlemen
Is the charm’s embodiment
The supremacy's resurrection
The beautiful woman prototype
And the most perfect feminine model
That it has knowledge
Even more than over there
Of extralimited imagination.
Is the most beautiful girl
All around the universe.
I guarantee you with my true
That if I were able to squeeze my life
And at time as well to extract
The substance of my love,
I don't hesitate any moment
That I would do with heroism
In a desperate fact
To have forever with me
Her spirit's beauty
And her physical nobility
Along with the attractive
Of her woman's manners
Because she, Ladies and Gentlemen
Circumscribe among her body
The singular excellence
Of one face so beautiful
That just so sensual lips
How are hers
Would be the presentation
Of one angelically formed soul
Because she, Ladies and Gentlemen
Is the charm’s embodiment
The supremacy's resurrection
The beautiful woman prototype
And the most perfect feminine model
That it has knowledge
Even more than over there
Of extralimited imagination.
1228 Conference about Priscilla
I never imagined
Not even any time
That a perfect woman
Would cross for my way
I never imagined that my soul
Would be rewarded with so many beauty.
She gorgeous for my eyes
In all extension of word.
I confess that when I saw her
I was invaded for her agreeability
Almost fell my face on the ground
My mouth stayed half-open
And my eyes bewildered
For her sight's brilliance
Never more
I've seen in my existence
A so precise beauty
And so fixed to my taste.
In the measure that discovered
Her perfect and extreme beauty
Stupor and confusion
Were taking possession of my senses
Since that I share the secret
That she's a muse
And that she has qualities
Unbelievable to human understanding.
I guarantee with my true
That neither the stars, nor the gods
Nor Mother Nature, nor the peace
Nor the most sublime kingdom
Has influenced me
Like her beauty done
Because she’s the most beautiful
That human senses have perceived.
Not even any time
That a perfect woman
Would cross for my way
I never imagined that my soul
Would be rewarded with so many beauty.
She gorgeous for my eyes
In all extension of word.
I confess that when I saw her
I was invaded for her agreeability
Almost fell my face on the ground
My mouth stayed half-open
And my eyes bewildered
For her sight's brilliance
Never more
I've seen in my existence
A so precise beauty
And so fixed to my taste.
In the measure that discovered
Her perfect and extreme beauty
Stupor and confusion
Were taking possession of my senses
Since that I share the secret
That she's a muse
And that she has qualities
Unbelievable to human understanding.
I guarantee with my true
That neither the stars, nor the gods
Nor Mother Nature, nor the peace
Nor the most sublime kingdom
Has influenced me
Like her beauty done
Because she’s the most beautiful
That human senses have perceived.
1227 Talk about Priscilla
Is not because her delicate mouth
Fulfill exactly with perfection,
Neither for her eyes color café
Nor for the brilliance of her sight.
Is not because her melodious voice
Is superior to whisper of an angel,
Neither because her hands
Are so smooth that exude honey.
Is not for the supreme grace
Of her strut walk,
Not even for her sculptural body.
Is not because her feminine skin
Is more beautiful than porcelain,
Nor because her teeth and nails
Seem the most pure ivory,
Neither because her breast
Was designed with precise rules
Of most perfect symmetry,
Not even because her legs
Are the best molded.
Is not for her precise measures,
Nor because her hip are sensual.
Is because I love her
And the best explanation that I love her
Is continuing to love her as I love her.
Fulfill exactly with perfection,
Neither for her eyes color café
Nor for the brilliance of her sight.
Is not because her melodious voice
Is superior to whisper of an angel,
Neither because her hands
Are so smooth that exude honey.
Is not for the supreme grace
Of her strut walk,
Not even for her sculptural body.
Is not because her feminine skin
Is more beautiful than porcelain,
Nor because her teeth and nails
Seem the most pure ivory,
Neither because her breast
Was designed with precise rules
Of most perfect symmetry,
Not even because her legs
Are the best molded.
Is not for her precise measures,
Nor because her hip are sensual.
Is because I love her
And the best explanation that I love her
Is continuing to love her as I love her.
1226 Essay about Priscilla
If you'd see her naked skin
You'd stay stupefied
Because I go crazy by myself
Just to see her feminine face
And I let my poems without finish
When she seduces me with her sight.
Don't exist nothing that I like more
Than get out a poem from my soul
For dedicate it to her smooth skin.
I'm sure that when don't exists
I'm going to left this life
Because my wisdom is based
On remember that I have from her.
My soul would crack
If I miss her
Because I breathe just her breathing
And I'm building my life
With the smiles that she gives me
I think that is terrible
See her lips and her chests
And don't obtain right now
Because her seduction overpass
All over natural limits and borders.
Today I swear you
That if you'd see her naked body
You'd death for the impression
That produces the joy of see her
Because her skin is smooth, beautiful and natural
And her body the best molded
Of all around the universe.
At least I prefer her
And I mean without afraid
That before sleep or eat
Is better to see naked
Her body and her feminine face.
You'd stay stupefied
Because I go crazy by myself
Just to see her feminine face
And I let my poems without finish
When she seduces me with her sight.
Don't exist nothing that I like more
Than get out a poem from my soul
For dedicate it to her smooth skin.
I'm sure that when don't exists
I'm going to left this life
Because my wisdom is based
On remember that I have from her.
My soul would crack
If I miss her
Because I breathe just her breathing
And I'm building my life
With the smiles that she gives me
I think that is terrible
See her lips and her chests
And don't obtain right now
Because her seduction overpass
All over natural limits and borders.
Today I swear you
That if you'd see her naked body
You'd death for the impression
That produces the joy of see her
Because her skin is smooth, beautiful and natural
And her body the best molded
Of all around the universe.
At least I prefer her
And I mean without afraid
That before sleep or eat
Is better to see naked
Her body and her feminine face.
1225 Legend about Priscilla
Relate that was so beautiful
That many people arrive to compare her
With the most brilliant of the stars
Say that she had the power
Of remain on think
Of all who can see her
And that was so extreme her supremacy
That the red roses blushed
When she began to walk
Say that she was so radiant
That don’t hold down among coordinated
Not either among rituals
Relate that was so shining
That the most solicited beauty
Was the best of her rivals
Moreover, say that was so imposing
That the stars feared her wakes up
That had the philosophical stone
And that knew the magical art
Of calm smoothly the woes
And that when the night had arrived
Was because her eyes closed
And that the light indescribable that cover her
Was so harmonious and rich than peace
Relate that over she is a prophecy
That to past of slow time
She'll convert in a song
And that would be the most beautiful story
That human's hear would hear
She appeared one night in my life
And since that I broadcast her legend.
That many people arrive to compare her
With the most brilliant of the stars
Say that she had the power
Of remain on think
Of all who can see her
And that was so extreme her supremacy
That the red roses blushed
When she began to walk
Say that she was so radiant
That don’t hold down among coordinated
Not either among rituals
Relate that was so shining
That the most solicited beauty
Was the best of her rivals
Moreover, say that was so imposing
That the stars feared her wakes up
That had the philosophical stone
And that knew the magical art
Of calm smoothly the woes
And that when the night had arrived
Was because her eyes closed
And that the light indescribable that cover her
Was so harmonious and rich than peace
Relate that over she is a prophecy
That to past of slow time
She'll convert in a song
And that would be the most beautiful story
That human's hear would hear
She appeared one night in my life
And since that I broadcast her legend.
1224 Entre as mãos do meu pastor
Entre as mãos do meu pastor
Eu vou chegar no céu azul
A viver com você, Pai,
Durante mil anos
Com a alegria
De uma ovelha pecadora
Que ama você
Eternamente e para sempre
Nas mãos do meu pastor
Eu vou chegar na glória
Sem tristeza
Sem dor
Sem lágrimas
Só com a luz do seu rosto
Tão doce quanto a paz
Que eu estou sentindo agora
Entre as mãos de meu pastor:
Meu bom pastor
Porque ele enche
No espaço de minha existência
A totalidade de minha mente
Por isso eu tenho que gritar-lhes
Que nesta vida turbulenta
Eu estou no caminho confortável
Entre as mãos do meu pastor.
Eu vou chegar no céu azul
A viver com você, Pai,
Durante mil anos
Com a alegria
De uma ovelha pecadora
Que ama você
Eternamente e para sempre
Nas mãos do meu pastor
Eu vou chegar na glória
Sem tristeza
Sem dor
Sem lágrimas
Só com a luz do seu rosto
Tão doce quanto a paz
Que eu estou sentindo agora
Entre as mãos de meu pastor:
Meu bom pastor
Porque ele enche
No espaço de minha existência
A totalidade de minha mente
Por isso eu tenho que gritar-lhes
Que nesta vida turbulenta
Eu estou no caminho confortável
Entre as mãos do meu pastor.
1223 Entre las manos de mi pastor
Entre las manos de mi pastor
Yo iré al cielo azul
A vivir contigo, Padre
Por un millar de años
Con el gozo
De una oveja pecadora
Que te ama
Eternamente y para siempre
Entre las manos de mi pastor
Yo llegaré a la gloria
Sin tristeza
Sin dolor
Sin lágrimas
Solo con la luz de su rostro
Tan dulce como la paz
Que yo estoy sintiendo ahora
Entre las manos de mi pastor:
Mi buen pastor
Porque él ocupa
En el espacio de mi existir
La totalidad de mi mente
Por eso yo tengo que gritarles
Que en esta agitada vida
Yo voy en el camino cómodo
Entre las manos de mi pastor.
Yo iré al cielo azul
A vivir contigo, Padre
Por un millar de años
Con el gozo
De una oveja pecadora
Que te ama
Eternamente y para siempre
Entre las manos de mi pastor
Yo llegaré a la gloria
Sin tristeza
Sin dolor
Sin lágrimas
Solo con la luz de su rostro
Tan dulce como la paz
Que yo estoy sintiendo ahora
Entre las manos de mi pastor:
Mi buen pastor
Porque él ocupa
En el espacio de mi existir
La totalidad de mi mente
Por eso yo tengo que gritarles
Que en esta agitada vida
Yo voy en el camino cómodo
Entre las manos de mi pastor.
1222 Among the hands of my shepherds
Among the hands of my shepherds
I’m going to the blue-sky
To live with you, Father
For a thousand years
With the joy
Of a sinful sheep
That loves you
Eternally and forever
Among the hands of my shepherd
I’m going to the glory
Without sadness
Without pain
Without tears
Only with your light’s face
As sweet as peace
That I’m feeling now
Among the hands of my shepherd:
My good shepherd
Because he occupies
On the space of my existence
The totality of my mind
For this I have to cry
That in this turbulent life
I’m on the comfort’s way
Among the hands of my shepherd.
I’m going to the blue-sky
To live with you, Father
For a thousand years
With the joy
Of a sinful sheep
That loves you
Eternally and forever
Among the hands of my shepherd
I’m going to the glory
Without sadness
Without pain
Without tears
Only with your light’s face
As sweet as peace
That I’m feeling now
Among the hands of my shepherd:
My good shepherd
Because he occupies
On the space of my existence
The totality of my mind
For this I have to cry
That in this turbulent life
I’m on the comfort’s way
Among the hands of my shepherd.
1221 Writing about Priscilla
Her chests seemed two mountains
That lost slowly
Among distance’s fog
And her beautiful lips
Seemed one carved sculpture
Of one slender and fragile ruby
I don't know why God
Gave her a beauty
So exactly proportionated.
But just I know with security
Is that I loved her without control
Since the same moment
That I perceived her figure
And without more that her smile
I felt in love
Of each one of her steps.
If I didn't lost my head
Was because I needed it
To love her so intensely,
To love her with all my senses
To apprehend me her bends
And all delimitation’s her
Because was full of a grace
Such as never more was seen
Since foundation of world.
Was for this that I loved her
Of a disproportionate way
Because her chests seemed two mountains
That loss slowly
Among distance’s fog
And her beautiful lips
Seem a carved sculpture
Of a slender and fragile ruby.
That lost slowly
Among distance’s fog
And her beautiful lips
Seemed one carved sculpture
Of one slender and fragile ruby
I don't know why God
Gave her a beauty
So exactly proportionated.
But just I know with security
Is that I loved her without control
Since the same moment
That I perceived her figure
And without more that her smile
I felt in love
Of each one of her steps.
If I didn't lost my head
Was because I needed it
To love her so intensely,
To love her with all my senses
To apprehend me her bends
And all delimitation’s her
Because was full of a grace
Such as never more was seen
Since foundation of world.
Was for this that I loved her
Of a disproportionate way
Because her chests seemed two mountains
That loss slowly
Among distance’s fog
And her beautiful lips
Seem a carved sculpture
Of a slender and fragile ruby.
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